We have had a lot of challenges the past month. Both under a lot of stress, technically homeless, both fighting colds, unsettled: it has been a rough road.
Although it have been difficult, I have never been happier.
There is something about sharing this journey with Jason I find rewarding and exciting. I like that we have committed our lives to one another, and times such of this truly make us a couple.
There are those opposed to gay marriage , somehow justifying that a gay relationship can't mirror a straight marriage.
However, if marriage is "for better or for worse," I have been privy to several gay couples that have been through the bad times, and are still committed to sharing the positive and the negative life can dish.
The more gay couples I meet, the more I see that marriage for a gay couple is really just a legal formality with some extra benefits. It doesn't make a gay relationship any more real to the couple, because each is already living for better or for worse.
And by that definition, a couple, gay or otherwise, is already married in my book.