Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bah, Humbug! I need less "Christ" in Christmas!!!

     Before anyone dismisses this post as blashphemy, I will state up front I love Christmas. I love my faith and own it...probably more than ever in my life. I still fervently believe Christ offers a hope to a world lost in its own selfishness and in much need of love and acceptance.
     That being said, I literally need less Christ in my Christmas this year. Since coming out last year, my mother and her relatives have responded to my divorce and subsequent identity as a gay man as something to weep and plead to God for my redemption. In their worldview and theology, I cannot be a gay man and a Christian. My mother lovingly reminded me on Thanksgiving I was "destroying my life" and "securing my place in hell".
     The gifts and cards from my mom and the extended family been arriving. So far I have received a Christian book mark, a Christian journal, a Christian book, a Christian CD, and other "Christian" products. Before coming out as a gay man, I rarely received such proselytizing gifts. Now my living room looks like the Christmas love child of James Dobson and Pat Robertson.
     Although I appreciate the notion of my family remembering me with a gift, I resent these gifts were sent with a not so subtle message. I am offended the spirit of gift giving is tainted with my family's agenda: to rescue me from my "lifestyle", save my soul and win be back to Jesus.
     The irony is on Christmas Eve, when my family will be opening their "secular" gifts and watching stale TV specials, I will be with my partner at our church not for one, but two services and a potlatch. In my family's summary judgement on my personal decision to lead a life of greater integrity their assumption is that I need "saving" all over again.
     On this Christmas holiday I would like to remind my family (as well as any other well meaning but misguided Christians) there is only one Savior I believe in and His work has already been done in my life. It would be better for no one in my family to send me gifts than to use this holiday season to hit me over the head with baby Jesus.
     As I end this blog post I am going to take off my glasses and put them in the Christian eyeglass case my mom sent me recently. She seems to have a knack for finding all things Christ friendly. Maybe for my birthday I'll hit her up for a cross emroidered wallet, some authentic Hebrew sandals and perhaps underwear with "Jesus Saves" across the crotch.


  1. I know how you feel buddy, trust me I do. Hugs to you.

  2. I loves me some church "potlatch's"

    Merry Christmas, Jason.
